Excuses people have used to not give me a job.
- It's the summer, we already have plenty of summer workers.
- It's the school year, it's not as busy so we don't need as many workers.
- It's spring break, there's nobody around so we don't need anyone.
- You have to be 18 to work here.
- You're 18 now? Well sorry, it's been 3 months, we filled the opening.
- You have to be 21 to work here. Sorry.
- This is a family business only.
- Sorry, you need a valid work visa. (WTF!? I'm an American Citizen!)
- We're only hiring part-time from 3am to 9am restocking.
Me: Yes, hello, how are you?
Her: Hi you want ice cream?
Me: Um, no actually I was wondering if you had any job openings.
Her: No no just ice cream!
Me: No, job! Do you have any jobs?
Her: No job! You want ice cream now?
Now how will I ever live in a fabulous Penthouse Suite with my Gourmet Kitchen and game room? I want black granite and stainless steel fixtures, dammit! I want a glass-door oven embedded into the wall, an outdoor patio with roasting pit, and a Chandelier that lights up half the house! Instead, i'm stuck in a One-Bedroom apartment owned and paid for by my grandmother. I need a hobby, besides ranting.