Oh, and speaking of confidence and other such good stuff, here's a picture of my fiancee, wearing my Hot Pink Wig! (Sorry for bad quality, we took it with a camera phone.) It was mega-fun to see him wearing it, and his Goofy Goober Smile in the picture is priceless!

August Update.
August First, I got to purchase some games. (The first 2 on the list.)
- .hack//infection (played previously, beat, but did not own. now I do own it!)
- .hack//mutation (played previously, beat, but did not own. now I do own it!)
- .hack//outbreak (played previously, beat, and owned it.)
- .hack//quarantine (played previously, beat, and owned it.)
- .hack//g.u. rebirth (played, beat, own.)
- .hack//g.u. reminisce (played, beat, own.)
- .hack//g.u. redemption (played, didn't beat, own.)
As for what I did, personally, do far in August, mostly i've started to watch Advent Children, and i've been playing Pokemon Pearl. I've also been exercising quite a bit, as in I walk too freaking much. For almost 8 days straight, i've been walking for hours on end. I'm pooped! Also, although i'm not big on alcohol, I ded get to celebrate August by having a few Smifnoffs. I had one while hanging outside one night, another when hanging out outside during the day, and didn't have a third one. We have had a six-pack for about 3 days now, and still have 2 coolers left, lol. At least I know i'll never be an alcoholic, I wish other people would practice self-control when drinking.
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