Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Computer was hit :(

I did not have Anti-Virus software for my computer, and downloaded a lot of FireFox extras, Online Games, etc. and decided to download some Anti-Virus software. I didn't want to pay $100.00 like some of the websites were telling me i'd have to pay, so I tried dowloading some freeware Anti-Virus programs. Bad move. The software had a virus (or 300) actually in it. Ooops.

Long Story Short: Fiancee's friend fixed computer, getting Symantec Norton AntiVirus 2008 Package via UPS delivery, and once it's safely installed, I will only download from safe sites, and never Limewire / iMesh / BearShare. Sticking to YouTube and AllUC might be my safest bet.

Ciao for now.

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