Sunday, August 3, 2008

Huzzah! August!

Update on PedEgg: My fiancee's feet were a NASTY mess with callouses, he had even used scissors to cut them off at times. PedEgg destroyed those rough lumps, and he now has feet pretty enough to wear sandals year-round! Lucky for my, my fiancee is a very hygienic person. He stays nice and clean, his toenails are trimmed and cleaned, he shaves off excess body hair where it's not needed, and keeps it where it's hot (happy trail, chest hair, yum, lol!), and showers daily. Now he isn't embarassed of his feet anymore, and i'm so happy! It's great to try and help other people's self-confidence :)

Oh, and speaking of confidence and other such good stuff, here's a picture of my fiancee, wearing my Hot Pink Wig! (Sorry for bad quality, we took it with a camera phone.) It was mega-fun to see him wearing it, and his Goofy Goober Smile in the picture is priceless!

August Update.

August First, I got to purchase some games. (The first 2 on the list.)
So I now have all four of the original .hack video game series, and all three of the G.U. series. Sweet! Now if only I had every episode of roots, sign, and legend of twilight. Do I sound obsessive?

As for what I did, personally, do far in August, mostly i've started to watch Advent Children, and i've been playing Pokemon Pearl. I've also been exercising quite a bit, as in I walk too freaking much. For almost 8 days straight, i've been walking for hours on end. I'm pooped! Also, although i'm not big on alcohol, I ded get to celebrate August by having a few Smifnoffs. I had one while hanging outside one night, another when hanging out outside during the day, and didn't have a third one. We have had a six-pack for about 3 days now, and still have 2 coolers left, lol. At least I know i'll never be an alcoholic, I wish other people would practice self-control when drinking.

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