To others, this seemingly harmless toy-sized dog is cute, adorable, and even.... lovable! But what happens when you come face to face with a vicious, house-ruining, furniture clawing, ankle-biting mutt? Dun dun dun! (Ominous music goes here.)
Yes, this vicious villain specializes in peeing all over the floor, eating everything in sight, tearing apart garbage cans, and scaring the holy crap out of me. It's name? MANDY.
My boyfriend's family has a stupid chihuahua dog and an adorable pug. The pug is old, stupid, deaf, and half-blind. But he's nice! Now, the little rat-mutt constantly terrorizes me! I mean, how would you feel if you were in constant danger of having your ankles eaten!? At least this guy won't kill my feet!
Do you like dogs? What are your favorite types? Least favorite?
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