And you will not believe what just happened. First, let me tell you something. My room in approximately 258 degrees. I am sitting in Swamp Ass City, sweat pouring out from under my breasts like I have spigots installed there. And I want my fan. Which is in the other room. So, since i'm awake, which is not normal for 6 in the morning for me, I decide to get it. And practically shit my pants.
There is a turtle on the chair in the living room. A turtle! I am sitting there, freaking out, because how the hell did a turtle get in here!? And is it dead? Alive? Possibly diseased!? Oh, wait. It's fucking plastic.
Bravo, Chris. Don't you feel smart?
Is Plurk working better for you? I'm not caring about the "karma" crap, I'm just moving to make bundles of friends.
Wow, the turtle thing kinda happened to me before but with a bug that was actually a piece of tape.
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